Cloud Security Guidelines from Cloud Security Alliance !

Cloud Computing Security is getting hot this summer ! Without a doubt, the Cloud security issues has emerged as a top concern and gained got a lot of interests in the RSA conference ’09 (held last week). To the surprise, the newly formed “Cloud Computing Security Alliance” presented a report covering the critical areas of focus and provided a comprehensive set of security guidelines for cloud computing infrastructures (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS). I just glimpsed through the report, they highlighted the key security concerns identifying 15 critical domains of Cloud computing as follows:

  1. Cloud computing architectural framework
  2. Governance and Enterprise Risk Management
  3. Legal
  4. Electronic discovery
  5. Compliance and audit
  6. Information lifecycle management
  7. Portability and interoperability
  8. Traditional security, business continuity and disaster recovery
  9. Data center operations
  10. Incident response, notification and remediation
  11. Application security
  12. Encryption and key management
  13. Identity and Access Management
  14. Storage
  15. Virtualization

If you are curious to know more on the details, the complete report is available to public…right here.  If you are interested in joining the Cloud Security Alliance group, you may initiate a LinkedIn request..right here.

NIST to set standards for Cloud Security !

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Lately NIST is very much intrigued with Cloud computing infrastructures, …not sure it is part of President Obama’s Stimulus plan ! Without doubt it makes the US Government as the most influential Cloud customer. Like everyone else, NIST also feels Security as the paramount challenge ahead before adoption…. ofcourse, Security cannot be an afterthought or post-mortem process after a breach !  Couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine noted me that NIST is working on an architecture and evolving minimal set of standards and guidelines for adopting to “Cloud Infrastructure Providers”.  More importantly, they are looking for the implementation options about migrating US Federal applications to Cloud infrastructure and to identify Security strategies for centralizing and enforcing security and privacy and ensuring compliance with the current/upcoming federal regulatory mandates.

Upcoming NIST Special Publication For Cloud Computing Security

For those curious, you may take a look at the complete NIST presentation (Peter Mell and Tim Grance) available here.

Conficker Worm to hit on April Fool’s day !

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Looks like another malware storm…my buddy Microsoft Windows user is itching the head with a burning stick and cleaning up his entire data/malware it is suspected that Conficker Worm (Conficker Version C and D) might have infected million of computers running MS Windows environment – not sure it affects both server and desktops. The worm is programmed to modify and hit on April Fool’s Day (tomorrow) – .  Everybody is yet to know, what kind of damage this worm will cause ! Seriously it is not a April fool joke.

The US-CERT suggests that all Microsoft Windows users must apply Microsoft security patch MS08-067 , and Microsoft provided some nice guidelines on how you can protect against the Conficker worm. It is also interesting to note, Microsoft announced a $250,000 bounty to identify those who implemented the Conficker worm. Not sure, they may be punishing or interested in hiring them !

Demystifying MySQL Security for Web 2.0: Part 2

Access control exploits, user credential exposures and related security compromises are becoming increasingly common in Web 2.0 world ! Most of these issues pertain to broken or insufficient authentication controls and flawed credential management that allows attackers to compromise vulnerable applications by stealing or manipulating credentials such as passwords, keys, session cookies and/or impersonating another user through forged or guessed credentials.  Any such access control failure leads to unauthorized access and disclosure of underlying application databases, user accounts and stored data.  Most access control related vulnerabilities are due to the inherent application-specific weakness and failure to enforce authentication mechanisms, verify authentication credentials, lack of policy enforcement prior to granting or denying access to the underlying database.

This is my second installment of work exploring MySQL security features to enforce stronger authentication controls and defend against unauthorized disclosure of user account credentials and application-related database tables.  In simpler terms, I will be uncovering a set of MySQL security mechanisms intended for the following:

  1. X.509 certificate-based  MySQL authentication
  2. Enabling host verification to cease access from untrusted hosts
  3. Restricting remote access to MySQL database
  4. Disable unauthorized access to local files
  5. Securing MySQL user accounts, passwords and access privileges
  6. Data encryption using AES

X.509 Certificate based MySQL authentication

Enforcing X.509 v3 Certificate authentication allows clients to authenticate the MySQL database server using X.509 certificates and its attributes. To enable certificate based authentication,  the MySQL  GRANT statement allows to limit user access to request X.509 certificate by specifying a set of options.  To connect the client must specify the certificates using  –ssl-ca  (CA certificate),  –ssl-cert (Client certficate) and -ssl-key (Client key).


a)  The REQUIRE X509  option allows user to provide a valid X.509 certificate, where the signing authority should be verifiable using the CA certificate. 

mysql>  GRANT  ALL PRIVILEGES  ON  test.*  TO ‘ramesh’@’localhost’  IDENTIFIED  BY  ‘password’  REQUIRE  X509;


b) The REQUIRE SUBJECT  ..  AND ISSUER  .. option allows the user to provide a valid X.509 certificate containing the subject information of the user and the certificate issued by a specific CA  as defined in the GRANT statement. The user’s certificate and the specified SUBJECT and ISSUER attributes are verified against the information provided with GRANT statement.

mysql>  GRANT  ALL PRIVILEGES  ON  test.*  TO ‘ramesh’@’localhost’  IDENTIFIED  BY  ‘password’  REQUIRE SUBJECT  ‘/C=US/ST=Massachusetts/L=Burlington/O=Sun Microsystems/CN=Ramesh Nagappan/Email’  AND ISSUER ‘/C=US/ST=Massachusetts/L=Burlington/O=Sun Microsystems/CN=SunTest CA’;


c) In addition to SUBJECT and ISSUER, the user’s certificate can be identified with the specific CIPHER .  The REQUIRE CIPHER option allows to specify the required algorithm to grant access to the database.

mysql>  GRANT  ALL PRIVILEGES  ON  test.*  TO ‘ramesh’@’localhost’  IDENTIFIED  BY  ‘password’  REQUIRE SUBJECT  ‘/C=US/ST=Massachusetts/L=Burlington/O=Sun Microsystems/CN=Ramesh Nagappan/Email’  AND ISSUER ‘/C=US/ST=Massachusetts/L=Burlington/O=Sun Microsystems/CN=SunTest CA’   AND  CIPHER ”DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA’;

d)  To allow access to user with SSL-enabled connection.

GRANT  ALL PRIVILEGES  ON  test.*  TO ‘ramesh’@’localhost’  IDENTIFIED  BY  ‘password’  REQUIRE SSL;


Trusted Host Verification

Host identification helps to allow the user requests initiated from the specified host only. If the user and hostname doesnot match the specified host the server will deny access to the database.  To enable host verification, the MySQL  CREATE USER and GRANT statements allows to specify the user assigned with a target hostname.

a)  The CREATE USER allows to specify the user assigned to a specific hostname. The user will be allowed access only if the request orginated from the specified hostname.

mysql>   CREATE  USER  ‘ramesh’@’localhost’  IDENTIFIED BY ‘some_password’;

 The above statement creates an user ‘ramesh’ assigned to hostname ‘localhost’.  This means ‘ramesh’@’localhost’ account can be used only when connecting from the localhost. 

b)  The GRANT statement allows to define user privileges on a database table only when the user is accessed from a specified host.  If the user connected from a different host the access will be denied.

mysql>   GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE  ON  test.*  TO  ‘ramesh’@’’;



Disabling Remote Access from Network 

If the MySQL database is accessed locally by the coexisting appplications, remote access from the network can be disabled.  To disable remote access via network,  you may add skip-networking under the [mysqld] section of my.cnf or start mysqld using the –skip-networking option.  To enable MySQL listen to a specific host IP address, you need to set the following attribute in the [mysqld] section of my.cnf  as follows:




Disabling unauthorized access to Local files

To disable unauthorized access or reading of local files, particularly to prevent applications access local files using SQL injection attacks – you may add the set-variable=local-infile=0 under the [mysqld] section of my.cnf .

Also, run MySQL as run as an user with minimized privileges so that any potential attacks does not result in damages to the operating system and other processes. 



Securing MySQL User Accounts, Passwords and Privileges


a) To prevent unauthorized and anonymous access to the server,  first remove the test database and all user accounts (with the exception of root account).

mysql> drop database test;
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> delete from db;
mysql> delete from user where not (host=”localhost” and user=”root”);
mysql> flush privileges;

mysql> quit;


b)  Change the MySQL root password and make sure the password is done via mysql> command line.  It is a bad practice, to change passwords via mysqladmin – u root password as the password can be accessed via “ps -aef”  (Solaris) “ps -aux” (Linux) command or by reviewing the Unix command history files. 


c)  Passwords are usually visible as plain text in SQL statements especially while executing CREATE USER, GRANT and SET PASSWORD statements. If the MySQL server is logging the SQL events and action to tables, then make sure those tables are protected from unauthorized users.


d) Change the default administrator account name from ‘root’ to a harder to guess ‘username’.  This would help defend against hackers performing dictionary/brute-force guessing attacks for administrator credentials.

mysql>  update user set user=”mysqlgeek’ where user=”root”;
mysql> flush privileges;


e) MySQL stores user accounts and its passwords in mysql.user table. Disable access to this table for any non-administrator users.


f)  Enforce the ‘principle of least privileges’ by granting minimum privileges for performing the required actions especially for user accounts that connects to the MySQL database from external applications. Do not grant privileges at the database level, MySQL allows to define privileges as required at the Table and Column level.

    grant <privileges> <column> on <database>.<table> to <login-name>@<FQDN-or-IP> identified by <password>;


Data Encryption using AES

MySQL supports data encryption functions by providing support for AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and DES (Triple-DES) algorithms.  It is important to note, the encryption function return binary strings as BLOBS, so you may need to store the encrypted data in columns of BLOB or VARBINARY data types. MySQL provides AES_ENCRYPT( ) and AES_DECRYPT ( )  to facilitate AES based encryption and decryption  and DES_ENCRYPT( ) and DES_DECRYPT ( )  to facilitate Triple-DES based encryption and decryption  operations.

For example:

mysql>  insert into mytable (username, password)  VALUES (‘nramesh’,  AES_ENCRYPT(‘g01ns@n3’, ‘myaeskey’));

mysql>  select username, AES_DECRYPT(password, ‘myaeskey’) from mytable;

| username | des_decrypt(password, ‘myaesencryptionkey’)  |
| nramesh | g01ns@n3 |
| bobama | s@v3u5a |

It is important to note, the encryption KEY must be provided by the application user to MySQL. It means that MySQL does’nt provide mechanisms for generating the keys. Also it is critical to store the key for supporting further decryption operations.

That’s all folks. I will revisit again on my next MySQL security project …till then let me practice wearing an Oracle shirt 🙂

Demystifying MySQL Security for Web 2.0: Part 1

Web 2.0 applications are proliferating and it has become widely popular for delivering dynamic user-generated content, information collaboration, data mashups, social networking and Web services. Building security for Web 2.0 applications pose several daunting challenges to Web 2.0 developers as these applications are publicly accessible and it blindly opens door to several intentional/unintentional abuses and malicious practices including data interception and manipulation by cyber-criminals.  Unfortunately, Web 2.0 has no silver bullet or one-size fits all security solution ! Interestingly, the most common Web 2.0 security threats pertain to the inherent flaws with the application design, deployment architecture and its failure to proactively identify the potential application-level risks  and mitigate them with appropriate countermeasures.


Lately Web 2.0 application databases have become an easier target for cyber criminals – as it is transparent to user with rich-client applications and draws close proximity to the network perimeter ignoring the traditional logical-tiers of insulation considered with multi-tier architectures (such as Java EE). If we explore the existing Web 2.0 attack patterns and attempt to identify the potential security threats and exploits of Web 2.0 databases, we will find the most common vulnerabilities pertain to the following issues:

·         Eavesdropping database connections

·         Un-trusted application clients

·         Insufficient authentication controls

·         Insecure database access execution privileges

·         Unauthorized disclosure of user account credentials

·         Unauthorized access to application data tables

·         SQL injection or Arbitrary code execution

·         Lack of auditing controls


Thus it becomes extremely critical to proactively address the known database security issues by deploying appropriate countermeasures and ensuring confidentiality and integrity of the database including user accounts and stored data.

MySQL is the most popular open-source database and widely popular in Web 2.0 application environments.  MySQL is certainly not my forte! Recently, I had my first experiences with MySQL on couple of projects so I ended up digging deeper into MySQL security and churned up  the features for use in Web 2.0 applications.  Here is my first installment of my hitchhiker’s view on MySQL security and its relevance to Web 2.0 applications.


Securing MySQL database connections


Enforcing confidentiality and integrity of database communications is critical for thwarting eavesdropping and untrusted client connections.  Enabling MySQL connections with SSL/TLS protocol guarantees transport-layer security and assures that the database communciation is not accessible for unauthorized access and the data exchanged is not modified or altered during transit.


To secure communication between the client and the database server,  MySQL supports the use of SSL for ensuring transport-level security using encrypted communication.  Since MySQL 5.0.x, MySQL bundles yaSSL  (compatible with OpenSSL ) to support SSL and related cryptographic requirements.


Configuring MySQL with SSL/TLS communication


If you are using binary versions of MySQL to verify the existence of yaSSL support, login to the mysql client and try the following:


mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘have_ssl’;


| Variable_name | Value  |


| have_ssl      | YES   |




Incase of using MySQL source distribution and if you want to choose OpenSSL  (I strongly recommend OpenSSL as it is FIPS-140 certified) as your SSL provider, you may choose to recompile your MySQL server using  –with-openssl   as configure switches.


# ./configure –with-openssl


To verify the configuration with OpenSSL


mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘have_openssl’;


| Variable_name | Value |


| have_openssl  | YES   |



To establish an SSL communication, you must obtain the SSL certificates from a certificate authority (CA) (recommended) or alternatively you would able generate the certificates using  Solaris Key Management Framework (pktool utility) or OpenSSL (refer my earlier post on OpenSSL as CA/SSL Test Kit: Cheat Sheet) .  To enable SSL, MySQL requires the following three certificate files for both server and client (if required):


a)      CA certificate

b)      Server certificate

c)      Client certificate


You may append the location of these certificate files in the [mysqld] and [client] section of the MySQL server configuration file  my.cnf.  For example:












Alternatively, you can specify each certificate as a command-line argument to mysqld (server) and mysql (client) environments. 


To start the MySQL server daemon with the SSL configuration:







To start the MySQL client to use SSL, assuming the connecting user has no client certificate authentication requirements:


mysql –ssl-ca=cacert.pem


To start the MySQL client, assuming the connecting user is required to provide a client certificate for SSL authentication:








To verify configuration and to ensure that the MySQL server uses SSL connection, the status can be checked from the MySQL client using ssl_cipher status variable.


mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE ‘ssl_cipher’;


| Variable_name | Value              |


| Ssl_cipher    | DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA |



Test-driving MySQL SSL connections using JDBC

 To test-drive SSL communication using JDBC, MySQL Connector/J  (MySQL JDBC driver) supports using SSL communication as long as the MySQL database server and Java client is configured with SSL certificates. To enable JDBC communication with SSL, it requires setting JDBC property requireSSL=true and useSSL=true.  In case, if you want to validate the Server certificate you may choose to use verifyServerCertificate=true.


Here is the example code, I tried out :


import java.sql.*;

public class TestJDBCoverSSL    {

public static void main(String args[])   {

      Connection mySQLconnection = null;

          try {

                //Register the JDBC driver for MySQL.

                 String url =  “jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql?&verifyServerCertificate=false&useSSL=true&requireSSL=true”;
                 mySQLconnection =  DriverManager.getConnection(url,  “jdbcuser”, “password”);

                 //Print URL and connection information
                  System.out.println(“URL: ” + url);
                  System.out.println(“Connection: ” + mySQLconnection); 

                 // Close the connection

             }    catch(Exception ex)  {

More importantly, You need to import the SSL certificates in the Java keystore and then provide the Java keystore location properties where the SSL certificates are stored. You may provide these values as -D Java runtime options on the command line as follows:

Alternatively, you may incorporate the Java keystore and truststore properties in the JDBC application:


To summarize, enabling SSL/TLS based MySQL connections ensure trusted communication between MySQL clients and the database server. It helps thwarting attacks related to eavesdropping MySQL communications, Man-in-the-Middle (MITM), Forged requests and so forth.  In my next post, I will discuss how to secure user accounts and enable stronger authentication controls in MySQL.

Top Web 2.0 Security Threats !

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Web 2.0 is not my forte but I am not ignorant to know its overwhelming adoption and popularity !  In my understanding, Web 2.0 is another Web based application paradigm that enables delivering user-generated content via aggregation, participation and collaboration on the Internet using Web based protocols.  No doubt, everyday a new breed of Web 2.0 application is finding its place in the IT industry and it changes the existing Web based applications  through convergence of consumer and enterprise collaboration.  Although it is amazing to see the changes brought by Web 2.0 is compelling, these improvements are mostly getting accompanied by newer set of security threats and vulnerabilities partially due to the known complexities with underlying architecture and design choices ignorant to the critical real-world security requirements.

Recently, Secure Enterprise 2.0 published the  2009 Industry Report on Top Web 2.0 Security Threats which highlights the most common security vulnerabilities associated with Web 2.0 applications. At my first look, I am bit puzzled by the long list of security threats identifying the known exploit scenarios and security incidents from most popular Web 2.0 sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Craigslist, Yahoo HotJobs, Twitter, My.BarackObama.Com, Wikipedia and so on.  I am not surprised by the list, whomsoever coined the term Web 2.0 might’ve forgotten or decided to have Web 2.0’s security as an afterthought !

Looks like Web 2.0 is another goldmine for security enthusiasts 🙂  ! Go ahead and read the report for yourself..The report is right here.

Biometric adoption expected to grow "triple" between 2008-2012, despite economic downturn !

Lately, Biometric identification and authentication technologies gaining unprecedented importance in government organizations across the globe as evidenced in the US by introduction of HSPD-12, HSPD-24 and and other countries complying with ICAO requirements for biometric-enhanced machined readable traveller documents (MRTDs) / ePassports providing support for Facial/Fingerprint identification for travelers passing through airports, security-sensitive locations and ensuring protection against identity thefts.

I just came across this interesting prediction and analysis  by Matia Grossi, Frost & Sullivan’s industry analyst, – highlights:

  • Biometric technology adoption will triple by 2012 from its 2008 value.
  • Biometric technologies are getting increased attention in commercial markets particularly the financial, healthcare, retail and educational sectors.
  • Technologies currently gaining momentum include face recognition 2D/3D, Iris scans, Hand geometry, Vascular scans (palm vein scans), and Retina scans. Upcoming physiological technologies will be skinprints, earlobe scans, brain fingerprints, and DNA recognition.
  • By 2020, Multimodal biometrics using combination of fingerprint, Face, and Iris will emerge as the standard biometric identification solution for  government, border control and airport security applications.

I did’nt have a chance to read the complete report….all I read was the highlights of the report by Matia Grossi, Frost & Sullivan’s industry analyst…right here. If you are curious about using Biometric technologies for enabling Physical and Logical Access Control…read my earlier posts on Biometric SSO Authentication and Provisioning/De-provisioning Biometrics for Physical and Logical Access Control.

Dissecting the 'Obfuscated Transfer Object'

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One thing I noticed lately…is lot of interest about understanding the usage of ‘Obfuscated Transfer Object (OTO) ‘ from Core Security Patterns.  I got multiple emails about its code and implementation .. understandably there is a growing security concern about using Transfer Object (aka Value Object) that passes security-sensitive data elements between Java EE tiers (especially between Presentation/Business/Persistence), when the application components does’nt run in a co-existing environment and risks associated with getting captured in console messages, log files and by rogue administrators. Think about “User Profile” or “Credit Card” or any other sensitive data in transit, it becomes quite critical to ensure privy of the data with appropriate data protection in place.  When we wrote Core Security Patterns, Chris and I discussed more  about this pattern and its implementation than anything else….agreed, this has its own implementation complexities . The worst you could see is, if you screw up the implementation it masks all the Java EE components from consuming the data elements of the passed OTO…. from a security perspective, it is a good thing as it fails safely.

Let’s dig into the finer details of why and how you would choose to implement an Obfuscated Transfer Object:

Why OTO ?

  • To protect sensitive data passed in Transfer Objects from being captured in console messages (JMX, Adminstration), log files and audit logs.
  • To ensure Transfer object be responsible for protecting the data and prevent target application components from inadverently exposing sensitive data.
  • To protect select data elements and not all data elements should be protected or exposed.

How it works ?

In simpler terms, Obfuscated Transfer Object allows  to define data elements within it that are to be protected using mechanisms to prevent purposeful or inadvertent unauthorized access to its data. The means of protection can vary between applications or implementations depending on your target business requirements. The OTO provides the producers and consumers of the data can agree upon the sensitive data
elements that need to be protected and on their means of access. OTO will then take the responsibility of protecting that data from any intervening components that it is passed to on its way between producer and consumer. For example, Credit card and other sensitive information can be protected from being accidentally dumped to a log file or audit trail, or worse, such as being captured and stored for malicious purposes.

How to Implement OTO ?

Although there are several ways to implement OTO, the two easier ways we found to implement OTO are  Masked List Strategy and Sealed Object/Encryption Strategy.

Masked List Strategy

In this strategy, the client sets data as name-value (NV) pairs in the Obfuscated Transfer Object. Internally, the Obfuscated Transfer Object maintains two maps, one for holding NV pairs that should be obfuscated and another for NV pairs that do not require obfuscation. In addition to the two maps, the Obfuscated Transfer Object contains a list of NV pair names that should be protected. Data passed in with names corresponding to names in the masked list, are placed in the map for the obfuscated data. This map is then protected. In the sequence above, when the Component logs the ObfuscatedTransferObject, the data in the obfuscated map is not logged, and thus it is protected.

Sealed Object/Encryption Strategy

With encryption Strategy for Obfuscated Transfer Object provides the highest level of protection for the data elements protected within. The data elements are stored in a Data Map, and then the Data Map as a whole is encrypted using a symmetric key. To retrieve the Data Map and the elements within it, the consumer must supply a symmetric key identical to the one used by the producer to seal the Data Map.

private SealedObject sealedMap;
// Seal object
HashMap map = sealedMap.getObject(cipher);
// Unseal object
sealedMap = new SealedObject(map, cipher);

As shown above, we can implement this using Java Sealed Object class that allows to easily encrypt objects by passing in a serialized object and a Cipher object in the constructor. The serialized object can then be retrieved by either passing in an identical Cipher or a Key object that can be used to recreate the Cipher. This encapsulates all of the underlying work associated with encrypting and decrypting objects. The only issue remaining is the management of symmetric keys within the application. This poses a significant challenge because it requires the producers and consumers to share symmetric keys without providing any intermediary components with access to those keys. This may be simple or overwhelmingly complex depending on the architecture of the application and the structure of the component trust model. Use this strategy with caution, because the key-management issues may be harder to overcome than architecting the application again to eliminate the need for the Sealed Object :-).

Hope this helped my two EU friends…who keep pestering me last two days via email. Due to my contractual obligations with Prentice Hall, I cannot dump the contents and source code in my blog…so I leave the rest to your way and you know where to look for :-). Also don’t ask how it is being implemented in Microsoft .NET – that’s not my forte.

Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors

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Few weeks ago, US Dept. of Homeland security (National Cyber Security Division) in collaboration with SANS Institute/MITRE teams worked together and released a list of 25 dangerous programming errors as common security flaws, which opens doors for easy exploitation. My first look at this list, I thought it is a old wine in a new bottle as the document sounded a bit more high-level without applied countermeasures and reality checks. The list did go extra mile highlighting the mitigation strategies and countermeasures. For those follow OWASP Top 10 (Most compelling), the CWE Top 25 list is a bit more augmented to include the weakest links of security in target resource and client/server environment. At the outset, the Top 25 list certainly helps our budding developers on understanding the potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities arise due to poor coding practices.

Here is the list of SANS/MITRE’s Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors, in no particular order…

1. Improper Input Validation
2. Improper Encoding or Escaping of Output
3. Failure to Preserve SQL Query Structure (SQL Injection)
4. Failure to Preserve Web Page Structure (Cross-site Scripting)
5. Failure to Preserve OS Command Structure (OS Command Injection)
6. Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information
7. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
8. Race Condition
9. Error Message Information Leak
10. Failure to Constrain Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer
11. External Control of Critical State Data
12. External Control of File Name or Path
13. Untrusted Search Path
14. Failure to Control Generation of Code (Code Injection)
15. Download of Code Without Integrity Check
16. Improper Resource Shutdown or Release
17. Improper Initialization
18. Incorrect Calculation
19. Improper Access Control (Authorization)
20. Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm
21. Hard-Coded Password
22. Insecure Permission Assignment for Critical Resource
23. Use of Insufficiently Random Values
24. Execution with Unnecessary Privileges
25. Client-Side Enforcement of Server-Side Security

It is an impressive list…that leaves me with some hard questions, when it comes to how to implement the required safeguards and countermeasures – Yes, the Devil is always in the Implementation details as there is No Magic Silver Bullet and it becomes critical to the developer to choose, adopt and practice the appropriate “Security Design and Best Practices” that identifies the safeguard and helps proactively defend against those known errors.  As a developer – in the first place you must understand – how to bake-in security in your application choosing the relevant “Security patterns, Best practices, Pitfalls and Reality checks”…for your target application development and deployment environment.

This gives me another opportunity for my shameless book promotion (is here), especially for those who is interested in knowing the security patterns and require implementation guidance for securing Java/J2EE/Web Services environments.

Smartcard/PKI authentication based SSO (Using OpenSSO)

It’s been so long, I had been involved with multiple Smartcard/PKI projects particularly supporting integration of Sun technologies for use with National eID, US Federal (HSPD-12 / PIV cards) and DoD CAC projects. There is no secret sauce,  but unfortunately I did’nt find time to put together a trustworthy documentation addressing the technical aspects of using Smartcard based PKI credentials for Physical and logical access control solution.  Couple of my friends at SIs (too big to name here) involved with large-scale PIV/CAC deployment repeatedly asked me to draft a cheatsheet for them – finally I had some time to put together an unofficial document that illustrates the pre-requisites, architecture scenarios, configuration and deployment of Smartcard based PKI certificate authentication using Sun OpenSSO Enterprise (Formerly referred to as Sun Java System Access Manager). Here is the main feature of the story:

Smartcard/PKI authentication based SSO

OpenSSO supports the use of PKI certificates from Browser or Smartcard/Token based PKI credentials for authentication and enabling Web Single sign-on (SSO) by determining the revocation status of the certificate through the use of the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) and matching the certificate to a pre-existing certificate entry in LDAP.

Tools of the Trade

  1. Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8 or above
  2. Sun GlassFish Enterprise v2.1 or Sun Web Server 7.0 (or above)
    • Must be configured with an NSS Keystore or FIPS-140 conformant Keystore.
    • PKCS#11/HSM based Keystore (optional)
      • Sun Cryptographic Accelerator (SCA-6000) or another HSM.
  3. Sun Java System Directory Server EE6 or Sun OpenDS (Bundled with OpenSSO )
    • Repository for user accounts and its corresponding PKI certificate entries (optional).
  4. PKI Provider
    • Certificate and Validation Authority
      • Certificate Authority: Cybertrust / Entrust / Microsoft / Verisign
      • OCSP Responders: Tumbleweed / Corestreet OCSP Validator
    • Root CA Certificates and CRLs
      • FBCA SSP CA certificates and CRLs (For PIV/FIPS-201 cards)
      • DoD CA/ECA Root certificates and CRLs (For CAC cards)
      • Govt PKI Root CA certificates and CRLs (For eID cards)
      • OCSP Signing certificate (if required)
  5. Smartcard Reader and drivers
  6. Smartcard client middleware – Browser Plug-in (PKCS#11 or MS-CAPI)
    • ActivIdentity (ActivClient PKI 6.0 / CAC 6.0 or above)
    • GemAlto (GemSAFE)
    • OpenSC PKCS#11 ( / MUSCLE
  7. Web browser installed with user certificates (Non-Smartcard Scenario)
  8. Smartcards provisioned with PKI certificates
    • PIV, CAC, National eID (PKCS#15/Java Cards)

Architectural Strategies

OCSP based Certificate Validation

In this strategy, OpenSSO determines the revocation status of the certificate by issuing a real-time status request and confirms the status by accepting the response from the OCSP responder. OpenSSO 8 supports OCSP based certificate validation by sending OCSP request validation to an OCSP responder URL (Validation authority or CA) specified in the PKI certificate credential (On the Smartcard) – usually available as an Authority Information Access (AIA) extension attribute (RFC3280). If the AIA attribute is not present, OpenSSO will send the OCSP request to designated OCSP responder URL specified in the OpenSSO Certificate Module configuration.

Logical Architecture - OCSP based Validation Strategy

Logical Architecture - OCSP based Validation Strategy

OpenSSO 8 supports issuing signed OCSP requests by making use of OCSP signing certificates stored in the Web container’s NSS keystore or HSM.

Matching PKI certificates in LDAP/CRLs Repository

In this strategy, OpenSSO determines the validity of the PKI certificate by matching the user’s public-key certificate against the user’s LDAP account  stored in a local or remote LDAP repository. OpenSSO uses the X.509 attributes from the certificate (ex. SubjectDN attributes including uid, emailAddress, serialNumber etc) for searching and retrieving the stored user’s certificate from LDAP.  If the user’s certificate matches the retrieved certificate – the authentication is considered successful.  As a pre-requisite, the cardholder’s public-key certificate from the Smartcard must be obtained out and then stored as an userCertificate;binary attribute entry of the user account in LDAP.

Logical Architecture - Matching to LDAP/CRL entries

Logical Architecture - Matching to LDAP/CRL entries

OpenSSO also supports matching certificates to CRLs in an LDAP repository.  This means OpenSSO uses the Issuer’s DN attribute for searching CRLs in LDAP repository. If the certificate is identified on the CRL; the user authentication is denied. As a pre-requisite, the CRLs must be imported into the LDAP directory. If the user’s certificate includes a CRLDistributionPointsExtension or IssuingDistributionPointExtension   attribute that identifies the location of CRL distribution points where the CRLs are available, OpenSSO certificate module automatically updates it.
In a real-world scenario,  OCSP based certificate validation is overwhelmingly preferred as a best practice over matching certificates using LDAP or CRLs as they require caching them locally, frequency of updates and concerns related to timestamps, authenticity and integrity.

Now, you got the highlights,  if you are ready to dig deeper and test-drive the Configuration and Deployment – Here is the unofficial/unedited make it work. Enjoy and let me know, if you had any suggestions.