Time flies..it is amazing to know, yesterday marked the 15th anniversary of Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Gang of Four (Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides), a seminal work in object-oriented software design and development that changed the way how we think and solve software implementation problems. In simpler terms., Design patterns is all about adopting to proven solutions… Read more »
One thing I noticed lately…is lot of interest about understanding the usage of ‘Obfuscated Transfer Object (OTO) ‘ from Core Security Patterns. I got multiple emails about its code and implementation .. understandably there is a growing security concern about using Transfer Object (aka Value Object) that passes security-sensitive data elements between Java EE tiers (especially between Presentation/Business/Persistence), when the… Read more »
Few weeks ago, US Dept. of Homeland security (National Cyber Security Division) in collaboration with SANS Institute/MITRE teams worked together and released a list of 25 dangerous programming errors as common security flaws, which opens doors for easy exploitation. My first look at this list, I thought it is a old wine in a new bottle as the document sounded… Read more »
After long time, last week Chris and I joined together at Newyork for presenting a session on “Security By Default” at “Information Security Conference – 2006”. The overall attendance in the conference was’nt great…. but we did have some participation in our session. Chris and I did’nt forget to have fun especially the good food and drinks at couple of… Read more »
This week, Chris and I will be participating in JavaRanch online discussion forum to share our Core Security Patterns work and answer questions from the JavaRanch developer community particularly those with SECURITY focus. The discussion will start Tuesday, January 10th 2006 and end on Friday January 13th 2006. As a surprise, We’ll be selecting four random posters in this forum… Read more »
Just received a note from one of our editors, highlighting the December 2005 issue of IEEE Computer Society Journal review of “Core Security Patterns” – I would suggest you should see it for your eyes. Here it is: http://csdl2.computer.org/comp/mags/co/2005/12/rz084.pdf
This morning, a friend of mine forwarded a note by Jimmy Nilsson (a Microsoft Patterns Guru) about “Core Security Patterns”, at http://msdn.microsoft.com/architecture/. It is truly a pleasant surprise… Jimmy Nilsson, Microsoft solution Architect writes… I have been asked a couple of times about a book about security patterns when I have given my patterns course. I’m afraid I really can’t… Read more »