Just received a note from one of our editors, highlighting the December 2005 issue of IEEE Computer Society Journal review of “Core Security Patterns” – I would suggest you should see it for your eyes. Here it is: http://csdl2.computer.org/comp/mags/co/2005/12/rz084.pdf
This morning, a friend of mine forwarded a note by Jimmy Nilsson (a Microsoft Patterns Guru) about “Core Security Patterns”, at http://msdn.microsoft.com/architecture/. It is truly a pleasant surprise… Jimmy Nilsson, Microsoft solution Architect writes… I have been asked a couple of times about a book about security patterns when I have given my patterns course. I’m afraid I really can’t… Read more »
Last 3 weeks, been so hectic…the days were faster than light, I was pulling my-hair-out on a critical proof-of-concept that requires demonstrating Web Single Sign-on (via Sun Java System Access Manager) using PKI/Digital certificate credentials (from Belgian eID) and then enable Smartcard PKI based Desktop authentication/Session Mobility using Sun Rays. The secret sauce on this architecture is using OpenSC PAM… Read more »
Last few months, I was passionately busy working on an interesting project opportunity …to implement a biometric authentication module for a security sensitive J2EE application (Sorry…don’t ask who is the customer :-)). Ofcourse, the target is a die-hard Sun customer who believed on us -not- that armed contractor. They suggested me to use CrossMatch Verifier-E Fingerprint scanner and BioBex middleware… Read more »
Don’t forget to close the tap after drinking 🙂
We did two panel sessions at RSA Conference, SFO last week – Both were well received. Here is the links to the slides that we used to present “Core Security Patterns” in the sessions. RSA 2005 Panel – Building End-to-End Security for XML Web Services: Applied Techniques, Patterns and Best Practices Security Patterns and Best Practices for J2EE, Web Services… Read more »
It’s been a while.. I forgot to publish this post !!! Last JavaONE, Sameer and I had an opportunity to present on “High-performance Web Services: Tacking Scalablity and Speed”. We digged into the XML Web services and its architecture/deployment characteristics and how its QoS mechanisms contributes to performance overheads that impedes its adoption. We explored on several mitigation strategies that can help eliminate the performance… Read more »
“What, you don’t have a blog ! Dude, it is very easy to maintain a blog”…..One of my close friend looked at me as if I missed something for so long. I always wondered to know, whether I would able to maintain blog on my own or atleast for the purpose promoting our current work – Core security patterns. I… Read more »