When to use Blockchain ?
When would you consider using Blockchain as a solution for your business use cases? This flowchart guides you perfect! (Image source: DHS Science & Technology)
When would you consider using Blockchain as a solution for your business use cases? This flowchart guides you perfect! (Image source: DHS Science & Technology)
It’s been a while I had been following the “HyperLedger” project initiatives under Linux foundation – it is growing faster than I thought (Not sure, when Oracle will join HyperLedger..probably they are annoyed by HyperLedger use of RockDB, CouchDB)! I attempted to test drive HyperLedger 0.6 before — it didn’t get me anywhere with too many dependencies. That said, a couple… Read more »
In a Blockchain infrastructure, trust is built using cryptographic hash functions and Public-key cryptography using digital signature mechanisms. If we unpack the building blocks of a typical blockchain infrastructure – It relies on a multi-party peer-to-peer transactional network backbone without relying on a central authority. On the blockchain network, the peers create transactions, collaborate on transactions, validate and verify the transaction… Read more »
We keep hearing the hype about Blockchain particularly its guarantee for securely providing tamper-resistant immutable record keeping. What it basically means that Blockchain records every transaction on the network, whether it is a single transaction of a payment or multi-step transaction of a workflow — Each transaction is represented as a block. Typically, the resulting blockchain ledger will be represented… Read more »