Looks like another malware storm…my buddy Microsoft Windows user is itching the head with a burning stick and cleaning up his entire data/malware center..as it is suspected that Conficker Worm (Conficker Version C and D) might have infected million of computers running MS Windows environment – not sure it affects both server and desktops. The worm is programmed to modify and hit on April Fool’s Day (tomorrow) – . Everybody is yet to know, what kind of damage this worm will cause ! Seriously it is not a April fool joke.
The US-CERT suggests that all Microsoft Windows users must apply Microsoft security patch MS08-067 , and Microsoft provided some nice guidelines on how you can protect against the Conficker worm. It is also interesting to note, Microsoft announced a $250,000 bounty to identify those who implemented the Conficker worm. Not sure, they may be punishing or interested in hiring them !