Web 2.0 is not my forte but I am not ignorant to know its overwhelming adoption and popularity ! In my understanding, Web 2.0 is another Web based application paradigm that enables delivering user-generated content via aggregation, participation and collaboration on the Internet using Web based protocols. No doubt, everyday a new breed of Web 2.0 application is finding its place in the IT industry and it changes the existing Web based applications through convergence of consumer and enterprise collaboration. Although it is amazing to see the changes brought by Web 2.0 is compelling, these improvements are mostly getting accompanied by newer set of security threats and vulnerabilities partially due to the known complexities with underlying architecture and design choices ignorant to the critical real-world security requirements.
Recently, Secure Enterprise 2.0 published the 2009 Industry Report on Top Web 2.0 Security Threats which highlights the most common security vulnerabilities associated with Web 2.0 applications. At my first look, I am bit puzzled by the long list of security threats identifying the known exploit scenarios and security incidents from most popular Web 2.0 sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Craigslist, Yahoo HotJobs, Twitter, My.BarackObama.Com, Wikipedia and so on. I am not surprised by the list, whomsoever coined the term Web 2.0 might’ve forgotten or decided to have Web 2.0’s security as an afterthought !
Looks like Web 2.0 is another goldmine for security enthusiasts 🙂 ! Go ahead and read the report for yourself..The report is right here.
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Hi Guys,
Check this link http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/features/the-sunday-et/backpage/Hackings-ethical-side/articleshow/5231471.cms
This is one of the biggest hoax I have ever come across. Ankit coining the word “ethical hacker” J LOL . I was under the impression that the term “ethical hacker” was coined by IBM many years ago before Ankit Fadia started writing technical stuffs. I am not sure why he is so famous? Most of the stuff he writes is freely available in the wild.