Not a shameless promotion – I came to know from multiple feedback and praises from the people who took the Sun Certified Enterprise Architect exam. Core Security patterns is overwhelmingly suggested as a reference text for “Section 8 – Security” of Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE5 exam.
Section 8: Security
- Explain the client-side security model for the Java SE environment, including the Web Start and applet
deployment modes.
- Given an architectural system specification, select appropriate locations for implementation of specified security features, and select suitable technologies for implementation of those features
- Identify and classify potential threats to a system and describe how a given architecture will address the threats.
- Describe the commonly used declarative and programmatic methods used to secure applications built on the Java EE platform, for example use of deployment descriptors and JAAS.
Absolutely…. “Core Security Patterns” provides INDEPTH coverage on the above topics with detailed examples. You can certainly rely on that for “Section 8 – Security” of SCEA.
Congratulations to those who become SCEA and Goodluck for those aspiring to become SCEA. Thanks for all the feedback…Please do keep us posted.