Category Archives: Smartcards / PKI

Encryption and Key Management in AWS – Comparing KMS vs. CloudHSM

A secure data protection using encryption depends more on secure key management processes than the encryption itself. Although enabling encryption looks quite trivial, managing the underlying Key management lifecycle processes and handling the associated cryptographic operations always been a daunting challenge! The challenges are too many till we really know..beginning from key generation and issuance, key ownership, key usage, privileged… Read more »

Good old memories from Java Keystore (JKS)

Thanksgiving holidays! Had great time meeting with a bunch of my old friends from Javasoft! Back in the days (~1998) I was working at Sun Microsystems and was part of a team working on Java Keystore.  It was a lot of fun..still remains fresh on my mind! It’s been a while I played with Java. Can’t believe JKS still remains as… Read more »